she was all porcelain,
expensive flowers
and a young fragrance made
from illegal casino money.
she was all juicy strawberries
expensive flowers
and a young fragrance made
from illegal casino money.
she was all juicy strawberries
between the legs
Korean heart-shaped cakes
cappuccinos worthy of Instagram posts.
almond eyes during Easter time
Korean heart-shaped cakes
cappuccinos worthy of Instagram posts.
almond eyes during Easter time
the one in which
you want to eat the body and drink the blood.
had a noble height
and a free hair.
had tears of
wishes in the form
of diamonds.
he wanted someone
She wanted a
Portuguese prince.
with a bearded
he wanted to read
Lu Xun,
she wanted to have
clams by the seaside.
he returned to his
village in northern Portugal,
she committed the
most elegant suicide,
leaving the Chanel
earrings on the hanging corpse
at the dining room.
i wonder how the ending is in Portuguese, word order
ReplyDeleteHello, here is the Portuguese version. Thank you for commenting.
ela era toda porcelana de terra,
flores predominantes no odor jovem
juventude fabricada
no dinheiro ilegal dos casinos.
era toda ela morangos suculentos
entre as pernas
bolos coreanos em forma de coração
cappuccinos dignos de instagram.
olhos de amêndoa em época de Páscoa
como quem quer comer o corpo e o sangue.
tinha uma altura nobre
e um cabelo livre.
tinha lágrimas de pérolas
desejos em forma de diamantes.
ele queria alguém real,
ela queria um príncipe português
com um intelecto barbudo.
ele queria ler Lu Xun,
ela queria jantar de amêijoas à beira mar.
ele voltou para a terra,
ela cometeu o mais elegante suicídio,
deixando os brincos Chanel no cadáver pendurado
na sala de jantar.